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To Lisa's Weekly Mailing List
Last week, former president Jimmy Carter, sounding
much like a man desperate to reclaim his relevance in a world that's
passed him by, told NBC News: "I think an overwhelming portion of the
intensely demonstrated animosity toward President Barack Obama is based on
the fact that he is a black man, that he's African-American." More

Limits of Self-Hate
It started decades ago in this country; the hammering away
at the notion that ours is a noble and commendable history. From the
demonization of Christopher Columbus and our founding fathers to the
endless recriminations concerning reparations -- both moral and pecuniary
-- for past sins that are due those who never suffered directly under
them. And now our president has the uncontrollable urge to apologize for
every action by the United States that may or may not have caused pain to
anyone, anywhere around the globe. More

Kennedy: History Lessons
In the wake of the death of Senator Edward Kennedy, many
verbal monuments have been erected to his memory. During the days-long
outburst of love from a truly grieved national media, we were treated to
endless references to his vaunted reputation as "the lion of the
Senate," a citation of unknown origin. But I prefer a lesser known
but more oxymoronically correct sobriquet; "the conscience of
American progressivism." Of course, one of the strangest is the
allusion to President Barack Obama as "the last Kennedy
brother," a pretty risible statement, even were it not coined by the
comical Chris Matthews. More

Tribute to Martha
It was often said of George W. Bush that he was one of the
most polarizing figures in this country. Of course, this was said mostly
by his enemies and referred either to the circumstances surrounding his
first election or to the Iraq War a few years later. But only short months
into his term as president, it would be fair to apply the polarization tag
to Barack Obama; a man duly elected along with significant majorities of
his party in Congress. More

Bites Dog
The strange and sad case of Michael Vick got a bit
stranger this week when the newly-signed Eagles quarterback appeared on 60
Minutes -- complete with a spokesman from the Humane Society of the
United States (HSUS) -- to deliver his obligatory mea culpa to a waiting
world. What makes this incident stranger than most is that America's love
of animals, specifically dogs, has trumped the heretofore indestructible
use of racism as a defense for wrongdoing and so has not saved Mr. Vick
from the wrath of millions. More

It has been difficult to decipher some of the Beltway
buzzwords in use now that Democrats are in firm control of our national
government. Of course it's understandable that in attempting to sell their
socialist platform they must verbally cloak their agenda, as the great
majority of Americans continue identify themselves as moderate to
conservative. But this has happened before. During the Clinton
Administration, and in particular amid the battle over his impeachment, we
were daily treated to treatises on the definition of words like, is. More

News was made last week in the sleepy village of
Cooperstown, N.Y., at the annual induction ceremonies at the Baseball Hall
of Fame. As the former stars of the game made the interview rounds
afterwards, Hammerin' Hank Aaron -- who was introduced as "everyone's
home run champion" -- said
that he would welcome players who used performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs)
into the Hall, only if their plaques had asterisks reading "they did
it, but here's why." More

All New Americans
e news from Washington, D.C. has not been good for the
president and his party this week. With his personal approval numbers
dipping below 50 per cent for the first time since his election, public
support for his signature programs dwindling rapidly and a Blue Dog
rebellion among Democrats in Congress, things are not going as planned for
Barack Obama and friends. More

and Heresy
What faithful, practicing Catholic does not cringe when he
hears the Kennedys referred to as "one of the United States' most
prominent Roman Catholic families"? Why not single out say, the
family of U. S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, a faithful Catholic
with a brood of nine children, one of whom is a priest who, as his father
quips, "took one for the team." Justice Scalia is a man who is
not ashamed to defend
his faith: More

the Constitution
Once again all those who pay attention to national
politics turn their eyes to Washington to witness the Senate confirmation
hearings of a U.S. Supreme Court justice nominee. Now, it is to be assumed
that Judge Sonia Sotomayor will be confirmed easily, with or without
Republican support. Still, the hearings are always interesting, if not
sadly predictable. More

What Comes Natur'lly
Lots of folks were astounded and confounded by Sarah
Palin's sudden announcement that she was resigning her post as the
Governor of Alaska a year and a half early. While the reaction from the
mainstream media represent the all-out attack mode we've come to expect,
it seems she's taking what amounts to formerly-friendly fire from those on
the right. Compelled by mysterious forces to fill their bylines and
airspace with negative commentary, they seem eager to jump on the
"dump Sarah" bandwagon and label her a "quitter" and
worse. More

Gilded Age
Having concluded my nuptial celebration last week, my new
hubby and I embarked on a short but welcome retreat up the Hudson River in
New York. We chose a small hotel in the hamlet of Rhinecliff with
balconies overlooking the beautiful river that flows in two directions.
Surrounded by the river and the soft-shouldered Catskill Mountains, we
were left to muse on the beauty and history of the region. More

Hits and Errors
This past week saw the second round of Interleague
baseball and, as usual here in the New York metro area, the sparks as well
as the horsehide were flying as the Yankees and Mets faced off. Now, I'm
not the biggest fan of Interleague play as, in my opinion, it further
dilutes the game's uniqueness, in that prior to 1997 it was the only one
among the four major sports that respected league integrity. Not to
mention that the artificial rivalries it attempts to create are sometimes
dull. More

American Quiz
Is it all over in America? This is a question that has
been asked, I suppose, since its founding. It is reported that when Ben
Franklin was asked after the Constitutional Convention in 1787, if America
was a republic or a monarchy he replied, "A republic...If you can
keep it." So, even at the birth of our nation, there were doubts as
to the feasibility of a government whose powers were reserved to "We,
the People." Never had a great nation survived without a group or
groups of individuals seizing the reins and using governmental power to
strip the rights from the people. More

Hits Just Keep on Coming
Having returned to these fair shores after an overseas
trip, the end of which culminated in a total of 13 hours of flight time,
it was with a general sense of relief and peace that I betook myself a
seat in my favorite pew in my local parish for Mass last Sunday. But, as
has too often happened in the past few months, examples of our Lord’s
predictions of persecution and calumny against those who believe in him
came true once again as our learned pastor took to the pulpit to address
us. More

When you're out of the country as I was for the past two
weeks, no matter how wonderful your destination or how glorious the sites
you visit, some homesickness tends to creep in. In my case, although daily
blessed to be treading the sacred ground in the Holy Land, I found myself
pining for American sports news. More

the Light
With the coming defection of Arlen Specter to his rightful
place in the Democratic Party, all of the talk has centered on how far
"to the right" the Republican Party has moved, how the "big
tent" of Ronald Reagan has closed its flaps to moderates and most of
all how this further proves that conservatism is dead. More

Truth to Power
Some years ago, a priest friend of mine suggested that the
legalization of same-sex marriage might be even more morally harmful to
our nation than the scourge of abortion. How, I wondered at the time,
could anything be more harmful than taking the lives of our innocent
children. And then I realized that most people are not in favor of
abortion but, as Rush Limbaugh often points out, they pity those around
them who might be in need of that awful procedure. But the advent of the
push for homosexual marriage goes much deeper; it represents a war on
truth. More

Fateful Trip
Only mere months into the Obama presidency and already my
head is spinning. Massive chasms of debt, class warfare in the streets,
government takeovers of private industry and servile shows of
"respect" to foreign dictators have occurred with lightning
speed. And because of a handful of Republican Senate moderates, nearly all
attempts to block this agenda are dead on arrival. More

Blessing For Catholics
In the 1960s, the American Catholic Church, like the rest
of the nation, underwent a period of tremendous upheaval. Proceeding from,
though not limited to, the willful misinterpretation of the Second Vatican
Council by some in the clergy, thousands upon thousands left the Church;
older members who could not withstand the confusion, and the younger ones
who could not perceive an enduring faith amid the calamitous changes. More

It's Tuesday, This Must Be Strasbourg
Barack Obama is now in the second week of his second
overseas tour in less than a year. Not content with being the President of
the United States, it seems, the chosen one has seen fit to share his
oratorical munificence with the rest of humanity. Right before his last
trip across the pond, where he oddly sought American votes, he famously
said: "It's embarrassing when Europeans come over here, they all
speak English, they speak French, they speak German. And then we go over
to Europe and all we can say is 'merci beaucoup.'" More

They say it's always darkest just before the dawn and that
every cloud has a silver lining. It's often easy to brush these old saws
off in a world as dark and dreary as ours has been since last November.
But Spring, like hope, still springs eternal and as we enter the vernal
equinox, the ice in our winter of discontent may be thawing just a bit. More

MTV President
In America, those who exude a certain type of attraction
or charisma are often christened with the sobriquet of "rock
star." For those of us who've outgrown the allures of the
brain-shattering, soul-stealing muck that has masqueraded as music for the
last few decades, this term is not exactly a desirable one for those
engaged in anything but narcissistic and immature pursuits. More

Last week I wrote
about the bold incursion against the Catholic Church launched by
Connecticut lawmakers who sought to wrest parish financial control from
the hands of its bishops and pastors. Thankfully, this crisis was averted,
as thousands of Catholics and others lovers of the U.S. Constitution
marched on our state capital to rally in support of religious freedom and
to protest any governmental interference with same. More

Politics and Religion
The history of the Catholic Church in the state of
Connecticut has never been pretty. Until 1818, the Congregational Church
was the official religion, and the few Catholics who lived in the state
were obliged to pay taxes toward its support. They were also forbidden to
own land and under the auspices of Know-Nothing Party Governor William T.
Minor, the Church suffered greatly. Yet faithful Catholics and other
freedom-loving citizens of Connecticut saw to it that those wrongs were
eventually righted. More

the Delaware
Despite the temporary elation delivered by a Rush Limbaugh
pep talk at CPAC, conservative morale is at an all-time low. Painfully
aware of the hold that Obamania has over the media and therefore the
nation, those on the right who are forced to align with the GOP are
feeling the winter blues more keenly than at any time in our history.
Under assault on all fronts -- socially, economically and politically --
and taking the usual friendly fire from our Senate moderates, there seems
little cause for hope. More

of the Weak
In the past few weeks we have been treated to a
flurry of national apologies. Foul and foolish deeds of various degrees of
severity have been owned-up to across the fruited plain. It is a paradox
that, in this permissive age, there's nothing America loves better than a
heartfelt mea culpa; particularly when uttered by the rich and
famous. No transgression, save those committed by conservatives, is ever
too grave that the big heart of America cannot forgive; that is, after the
suitable five minute period of sackcloth and ashes is observed. More

the Defeat of Capitalism
In these recessional times, we find it often uncomfortable
to watch TV or read the newspapers; especially when we recognize that our
fellow citizens are too often influenced by the propaganda that daily
issues forth from them. Given their almost unanimous support of all things
liberal, our media have furnished the socialists in Washington the ability
to hide their agenda in plain sight; a heretofore unheard of development
in the U.S. of A. More

Many folks have pointed out that Barack Obama has been
treated by his supporters in and out of the media like a new messiah, the
savior, the chosen one. Many other folks, including me, thought that this
was not only sacrilegious but a case of downright overblown rhetorical
politics. Now I'm not so sure. More

Toward Life
Last week, hundreds of thousands of Americans made their
way to Washington, D.C., thronging its stately streets and avenues with
messages of love and hope. They came from diverse backgrounds and
represented a variety of age groups, but the majority of them were young
people, filled with adoration for the Anointed One. They came together to
pledge themselves to do his bidding despite the best efforts of his
adversaries. More

for Hollywood
My friend Ken, the innkeeper at my favorite bar, is a big
movie fan as am I, but while 99% of my favorites were made before 1950, he
still forks over big bucks to sit in tiny theaters and have his ears blown
out watching what passes for modern entertainment. For this reason, I am
forced, year after year, to watch annual ego-massaging, snore-fests like
last week's Golden Globe Awards as the price for enjoying a few Sunday
night drinks. More

W. Bush, Winner
Friends, Americans, conservatives; lend me your ears. I
come to praise George W. Bush, not to bury him; I'll leave that to our
famously unbiased media. Now that the eight years of his presidency have
come to an end, there will surely be endless shovels of dirt dumped on the
legacy of our 43rd president, some even heaved by our brethren on the
right; but not here. I come instead not to speak specifically of his
accomplishments or his errors, but of the man himself. More

Compos Mentis
Now that the new year is officially upon us, the time for
reflection is over and it behooves us to look ahead. Normally, human
nature bids us to do this with hope in our hearts, but to no one's
surprise, 2009 finds us in a position where international events make it
nearly impossible to do so. To put it mildly, the world has gone mad. More

One of the many gifts that separate men from animals is
that of memory. Not the sort that makes a dog shy away from a chair after
being hit on the nose with a newspaper, but real, conscious memory that
can make the past as real to us as the present. In some ways this gift is
a curse, as it is said that man can suffer pain and anguish in a way that
animals never can, because pain most keenly remains in the memory that
sometimes produces the most suffering. More

Visit From St. Hillary
'Twas the night before Christmas in 2008,
All the liberals were happy, but not quite sedate;
Their thoughts lifted skyward, their lips formed a prayer,
In hopes that St. Hillary might disappear. More

of a Feather
As the year 2008 winds down and President Bush's days in
office draw to a close, liberals all over the world are celebrating the
Iraq shoe-throwing incident. But this only illustrates that the Bush's
efforts in Iraq have proved a tremendous success, given that a member of
the Iraqi press has managed to outdo even Western media types who, despite
their best efforts, have never laid a glove on W. More

of the Unions
I have a friend named Mike who is a very intelligent and
sensible man. He is a strong supporter of lower taxes, the rule of law,
the military, and especially of the right to keep and bear arms; he is, in
fact, a long-time NRA member. This man takes the time to be well informed
on current events and is always on top of pending legislation. In short,
he has all the makings of a genuine conservative except for one fatal
flaw: he is an ardent union member. More

From the trans fat Nazis in the Northeast to those on duty
keeping school bake-sales safe for humanity out West; from banning plastic
shopping bags -- which were foisted on us by greenies to begin with -- to
fines for "light
pollution," one can't help but think that our once-free country
is in the final stages of nannydom and well on its way toward total
government control of our lives. More

We arrive once again at the time of year when our
ancestors gave thanks to God for the innumerable blessings he has bestowed
on our beloved country. But as time goes on, the thanks, if any, goes more
and more to humans and worse yet, to a government that promises to care
for its citizens from cradle to grave. More

Scanning through the headlines, trying to find one that
does not contain the phrase "president-elect" -- does anyone
remember George W. Bush being called anything but "Governor"
until his inauguration? -- I happened across a piece from the BBC
humorously titled,
"Uncertain times for US Religious Right." In it, the left muses
on its favorite dream; that humbled by defeat in the last two elections,
"Christian conservatives may find themselves working alongside
Democrats" on certain social issues. More

We have just witnessed an historical election to be sure.
Not because we have sent a black man to the seat of power, but because a
fortuitous confluence of economic occurrences has convinced our fellow
citizens that a change in leadership was necessary. More

We Know
So what does it all mean? As I write this on Tuesday, the
presidential election is, despite media cheerleading, still in doubt. But
by the time you read this, the outcome may or may not be known. What is
known is that this has been an almost surreal contest. More

Does That Make Me?
I have a brother who revels in an old joke; so that when
the gender of a family newborn is announced, he asks: "What does that
make me, an aunt or an uncle?" As corny as that sounds -- if you only
knew my brother -- it is, like all jokes, based in part on a kind of
reverse reality. More

Food for Thought
For four days it was bliss. Sitting in the window of
a 15th-century converted convent every morning, waiting for the sun to
rise over a gorgeous valley filled with olive groves and pine trees, I was
as near to heaven as I'm likely to get on this Earth. Throwing open the
shutters each day and gazing on this tableau high up in the hills
surrounding Florence, the resounding church bells emptied my mind of all
worldly concern. More

Class of 1939
Many movie fans consider 1939 the greatest ever in the
history of American filmmaking and it would be hard to argue the point. In
the days before Hollywood degenerated into the trash heap it is today, one
could expect productions that would appeal in some way to different
segments of society while entertaining the whole family at the same time.
And 1939 was the acme and epitome of all that made up old Hollywood. More

As we head for the home stretch in our political season
and each party reins in the votes of its membership, the focus will become
those who label themselves as independents or moderates. Both sides will
seek to claim them for their own. But what is meant by the political
labels we attach to ourselves? More

Who Forget the Past
At a small party over the weekend, the subject of our
presidential election arose. Living as I do in Connecticut, I was prepared
for the typical onslaught a conservative is sure to endure from liberals
in social situations in our state. I was, of course, not disappointed. More

Imperfect Servant
This, to say the least, has been one of the strangest
presidential races in years; especially for conservatives. When this
marathon began many months ago, the right's choices ranged from liberal
Rudy Giuliani to Libertarian Ron Paul, with a handful of conservatives of
differing degrees in between. And then there was John McCain. More

I, like many of you, forced myself to sit through nearly
all four long days of the Democratic Convention; albeit with my trusty
mute button ever ready for protection from long-winded attempts at oratory
and worn-out pop-music ditties. And, as political conventions go, it was
mostly a snore-fest. But every now and then, I was roused from my
somnambulant state -- induced no doubt by the dulcet tones of Jimmy Carter
and Al Gore -- by themes and remarks that left me bewildered. More

John F. Kennedy was the first presidential candidate to
enunciate the idea that Catholicism might somehow be detrimental toward
being a good American. In seeking to distance himself from the dark powers
of Rome, he promised that he would always act "in accordance with
what my conscience tells me to be the national interest, and without
regard to outside religious pressures or dictates. And no power or threat
of punishment could cause me to decide otherwise."

With only a week to go before the donkeys kick up their
heels in Denver, the powers that be at the New York Times, acting
in their unofficial capacity as mouth organ for the Democratic Party, have
published what amounts to the playbook for the presentation of Barack
Obama at the convention. And as usual, it is in tonally perfect accord
with the liberal mindset and its overall game plan. The title of the piece,
"For Convention, Obama's Image Is All-American," gives the game
away. Most people in possession of a dictionary would see the use of the
word "image" as the desire to present an illusion rather than an
actuality; kind of like they do in Hollywood. More

Does Denver
Dateline -
: Tuesday, August 26, 2008, 8:00 PM--Hillary Clinton Speaking:
Thank you, thank you. Oh,
hi there, how are you? Why, thanks so much! Nice to see you
again Michelle. Call me for that cookie recipe, okay? Just
kidding! Thank you, thank you, thank you all so very much!
Hellooooooo Denver! Thanks for that wonderful welcome. It’s
great to be here with so many of my fellow Democrats! Makes me
feel a mile high! More

Maybe it's me, but I'm still trying to understand the
logic of the Obama campaign's European tour. Don't get me wrong, his
obligatory trip to the Middle East and Afghanistan in his role as a U.S.
senator was justified, if only by the presence of so many of his brave
countrymen. But the reasoning behind "Barry Does Europe" escapes
me. More

Every Sunday night I go out to my favorite club to engage
in lively conversation and enjoy some adult companionship. In the
summertime, this often includes taking in ESPN's Sunday Night Baseball.
This Sunday however, the Red Sox-Angels game was scheduled two hours
earlier than the usual 8:00 PM start so that the network could air its
annual ESPY Awards show in prime time. More

O Losing Big Mo
Poor Barack Obama. In the space of a few short weeks, he
has gone from liberal savior with a 15 point lead over John McCain, to a
mere mortal in a dead
heat in the polls. He has alienated some of his base by flip-flopping
on issues like the FISA vote, partial-birth abortion and most importantly,
stating that he will continue to "refine" his Iraq War policy. More

During this past weekend while attending the usual round
of holiday cookouts, I continued my custom of wishing family and friends a
happy Independence Day and continued receiving the oddest looks in return.
While it's true that many people have a vague notion of the holiday's
meaning -- after all, there most be some reason for all the red, white and
blue -- its true origin seems to escape most folks. More

Talk on Truth
Two thousand years ago, a man told some local leaders;
"The truth will set you free." Now, those who have been blessed
with religious faith understand exactly what He was talking about; yet
these words should be universally accepted, even by those in the secular
world. After all, only a few hundred years ago, some less worthy but still
wise men thought that truth, or truths that were self-evident, were not
only important enough to govern a freedom-loving people, but to fight and
die for. More

Pitch for the DH
We who enjoy baseball are often lectured that today's
athletes are among the finest who ever competed and that all but a few of
those in ages past could hope to compete at their high level of physical
fitness. We're also told that continental flights across three time zones
are more exhausting than the train trips that took former Major Leaguers
only as far as the Midwest. More

Days are Here Again
Although much of the country dreads it like the plague,
there is a chance that if Barack Obama wins the White House, Democrats
would control the Legislative and Executive branches of our government, as
did the Republicans during half of President Bush's two terms. But there
is also the chilling prospect that they will reach the magic number of 60
votes in the Senate, which would give them the filibuster-proof power that
the GOP could only dream about. More

Is on Our Side
Now that the lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer are here,
things are usually slowing down. But as temperatures in the Northeast
crept toward the century mark this week, things were heating up in certain
quarters. One of them is the Democrat party where, since the presidential
candidacy of Hillary Rodham Clinton has been effectively snuffed by forces
beyond her control, there is a sense of urgency. And why not? Time is
decidedly not on its side. More

History Lessons
This past weekend on my annual baseball park tour, some
friends and I decided to take a one-hour riverboat excursion on the
Mississippi River, which departed from the Gateway Arch in St. Louis.
Having previously
taken a few extended riverboat trips, I wasn't expecting much from the
short tour other than a lap around the historic Eads Bridge and maybe some
gentle river breezes. However, the presence of a National Park Service
ranger on the boat proved most illuminating. More

the Umpires
Years ago, when only a triad of arbiters policed the
baseball diamond, enterprising organists were fond of playing "Three
Blind Mice" when the men in blue took the field. Of course, that was
long ago and the mellifluous music that once wafted through ballparks has
given way to the mind-numbing assault of rock and roll on the senses of
horsehide fans. But Major League Baseball umpires have been under fire
since some far-off fan in the 19th century shouted, "You're missing a
good game, ump!" More

The way things work in our country never ceases to amaze
me. Just last week in Israel, President Bush committed what much of our
media and all of our leading Democrats considered a great offense;
comparing people who seek a rational dialogue with irrational Islamists to
Neville Chamberlain and others who sought conciliation with Adolf Hitler
and the Nazis. To liberals, this is the ultimate insult and one that
cannot be taken lying down. More

Love that Dare Not Speak His Name
We are lectured daily by our betters in the media and
academia on the continuing dissolution of our freedoms under the
oppressive reign of George W. Bush and his sneering sidekick, Richard B.
Cheney. The dreaded duo and the rest of the vast right wing conspiracy
have been especially vilified for curtailing free speech and accused of
using nefarious methods to squelch opposition. More

Either Too Hot or Too Cold
At first the global warming crowd was bursting forth
with glee;
Just like Sir Isaac Newton was beneath his apple tree.
They had all of the data straight from the IPCC...
But the problem for the Gore-ists, is they could not see the forests.
It's either too hot or too cold;
We can't grow our crops in a fertile way;
At least that's the news out of Turtle Bay...
The threat of global warming,
Has talking heads performing.

Into A Corner
The Democratic dogfight for the presidential nomination is
a gift that keeps on giving. Without it, we would never witness the
liberal mainstream media divided between the Obama and Clinton camps. Thus
we see -- with the rest of the nation for a change -- things out in the
open which would have been buried had it been otherwise. And so on Monday
morning, all three cable news networks showed the Rev. Jeremiah Wright's
National Press Club speech on "the black religious experience,"
live and in its glorious entirety. More

Pope Said What??
"God Bless America." These words began and ended
the too-short visit of the true man from Hope, Pope Benedict XVI.
Before his arrival, many pundits predicted that his Holiness would rain
down torrents of recrimination upon our country and its president on
topics like the Iraq War, capital punishment or our failure to heed the
hounds of global warming. They of course were wrong in thinking that the
German Shepherd would bite the hand that feeds the world's poor or
chastise the most pro-life leader our country has ever seen. But what else
is new? More

Pope In America
This week marks the first time that Joseph Ratzinger will
visit the United States as Pope Benedict XVI. Many faithful American
Catholics have longed for the Holy Father to address our problems, not the
least of which is a pervasive attitude of selective faith, which is no
doubt the result of poor stewardship by some U.S. bishops. Some indeed had
hoped his visit, long in the works, would be prefaced with a "don't
make me come over there" message and, in a way, it was. More

Say You'll Change the Constitution
Gilbert Keith Chesterton once famously said, "It's
not that Christianity has been tried and found wanting. It's that it has
never really being tried." Part of the reason is that too many folks
feel that Christianity -- with its moral absolutes and especially its
prohibitions -- is outdated and unworthy of modern interest. One might
also apply this gem of wisdom to those who rail against the U.S.
Constitution; the product of another apparently obsolete belief system. More

Used to be a Stadium
This week marks the beginning of the end of a significant
chapter in American sports history: the 83rd and final opening day at New
York's Yankee Stadium. Slated for Monday, the baseball gods, almost as if
seeking to delay the onset of its final season, rained down on the storied
ballpark and the game was postponed. This was fitting. Although it is not
the oldest, it is certainly the most historic sports venue in the United
States. More

Rev. Wright Right?
With all the heated feelings and rhetoric surrounding the
firestorm that is Rev. Jeremiah Wright, a bit of truth telling may be in
order. Conservatives have demanded that Barack Obama repudiate all of the
controversial statements made by his spiritual advisor, while supporters
of the Illinois senator believe that he has sufficiently distanced himself
from them. But what if there is actually some truth in Wright's
allegations? More

in a Name?
Round about this season of the year, a few friends of mine
and I get together to solve some of the weightiest matters of our time:
the winners of the NCAA Basketball Tournament.
Now, I consider myself fairly knowledgeable in the field of college hoops,
but despite my best and well-informed efforts, I often finish out of the
money in March Madness pools. So, out of the many sheets of paper I will
fill with bracketed scribble, at least one of them will be determined by
the team nicknames. More

No to the Nanny State
Five years ago, when the smoking ban in restaurants first
went into effect in my home state of Connecticut, I told a few folks who
were happy about it that it was only a matter of time before the
government came after their private property rights or other issues that
were near and dear to their hearts. Most people scoffed at my defense of
the restaurant owners' property rights and one fellow actually said,
"The problem with you people is that all you care about is the
Constitution." More

on the Campaign Trail
During the course of an election year, one is used to
coming across all sorts of surprises. Often it's some sort of a vocal
gaffe like, "I actually voted for the $87 billion before I voted
against it." Sometimes it is a photo; say, of a candidate posing in
the turret of a tank, or maybe in what looked for all the world like a
powder blue bunny
suit. More

Country for Old Glory
Watching the Oscars Sunday night -- an indignity I endure
solely for the opportunity to engage in conversation with a few friends
concerning our nation's "culture" -- only reaffirmed that
Hollywood remains primarily engaged in selling a bill of goods that
America is a dark and dreary place, worthy mostly of derision and disdain;
even if not everyone is buying it. More

Cox Report
Word is that Democratic presidential contender Barack
Obama snuck down to North Carolina last weekend to meet with John Edwards,
possibly to seek his endorsement, sound him out for the vice presidency,
or to brush up on his snake-oil salesmanship. After all, why wouldn't the
black knight of the new Camelot go for the guy with the pageboy haircut? More

John Part I
How we got here we're not really sure, but the reality
seems to be, august Senator, you will be our nominee in the 2008
presidential election. Yes, I was at CPAC and heard your well-reasoned and
fairly well-received speech
and yes, you did press some of the right buttons. You spoke of your
lifelong commitment to pro-life issues and your intention to reduce the
size of the federal government; of your opposition to nationalized
healthcare and your admiration for Justices Roberts and Alito and your
pledge to win the war in Iraq. More

Staying Home
If you're like me, you're probably sitting around
somewhere in the dark, trying your best to avoid all forms of media
coverage of the 2008 presidential primary season. Maybe for the first time
in years, you eschewed the weekend talk shows, even Fox News. And except
for the crossword puzzle or the sports section, you probably refused to
even open your Sunday paper, especially if it is a liberal fish-wrap like
the AP-infested publication in my hometown. More

Clinton Remembered
As the incessant march for the 2008 Democratic
presidential nomination continues, probably the most entertaining aspect
is watching the mainstream media take sides. And although many of their
liberal icons -- most notably Ted Kennedy and Pat Leahy -- are endorsing
Barack Obama, Hillary is still the subject of loving puff-pieces like this
one from ABC News: "Is Clinton Scrutinized About Her Looks Too
Much?" More

Rush & Reagan
This past weekend saw the vocalization of a much hoped-for
wish of liberals everywhere: that, as one left-wing
blogger put it, "Republicans are a collection of 'Lost Boys'
right now, desperately looking for a national leader in the wake of the
Bush disaster." Juan Williams on Fox News Sunday happily posited,
"There's not a re-assembling of the Reagan Coalition." More

In my ever-frustrating attempts to view TV sports events
without having to cover my eyes, plug my ears and empty my brain of all
adult moral content, I encountered a new low this weekend. During the NFL
playoffs here in the New York tri-state area, I was treated to a
mind-numbingly awful new
ad from New York State Lottery that eloquently advises, "It
don’t mean a thing if it ain't ba-da bling!" More

All of this has left a certain little lady feeling a bit
down in the mouth. So somewhere up in chilly New Hampshire, a woman of a
certain age and very close to tears, is feeling just a tad under the
After one whole week of voting,
Things are not what they should be.
By this time I should be gloating
All over TV.
Working for my coronation,
I've done pretty well, I think.
But this dog-gone nomination
Has me on the brink.
I'm riled this time;
Reviled this time;
The Caucus I lost to a child this time;
Bewitched, bothered and bewildered am I. More

Back in the early days of the 2000 presidential campaign,
right after John McCain beat George W. Bush in the New Hampshire primary,
there were many dire media predictions along the lines of, "If Bush
doesn't turn things around quickly it could turn into a McCain rout."

and Obama
With little more than two weeks to go before the 2008
presidential primary voting begins, things are finally heating up. Day
after day new tales of mud-slinging arise and subterfuges unwind, while
out on the hustings kindergarten kapers abound.
The biggest news is Hillary Clinton's plunge in the polls, and the
question of whether or not she can rebound is on everyone's lips. Even her
husband Bill conceded
that she might lose in Iowa. But is she doomed to defeat because she is
losing ground in the early primaries? More

Last week saw some candidates in the eternal 2008
presidential campaign trotting out various personalities in order to form
a more perfect union between themselves and voters. Now this is nothing
new in American politics; glad-handing candidates have hobnobbed with
celebrities at least since Woodrow Wilson allegedly kept company with
silent film star Florence La Badie. More

NBC has signed a deal to farm out a two or three hour
block of primetime programming to outside producers. Although this
programming will primarily consist of "adventure documentaries"
that require no staff writers, the New York Times claims
that this "is not related to the current strike by Hollywood
writers," but is necessitated because TV networks "face a future
of diminishing ratings and growing uncertainties." Sometimes life is
very good. More

to Fight for Life
Short weeks after receiving the endorsement of the
National Right to Life Committee, Republican presidential candidate Fred
Thompson apparently ran afoul of some in the pro-life movement, when, in
an interview on Fox News Sunday, he revealed that he does not support a
Human Life Amendment (HLA) to the U.S. Constitution. More

in America
Each year at this time, I devote this space to giving
thanks to the Almighty for his various and sundry gifts to the American
people; but this year, things are different. Having been informed by the Seattle
School District that Thanksgiving Day is seen by some native Americans
as a "time of mourning," and "a reminder of 500 years of
betrayal," I've decided to follow their lead. More

This past weekend, the first onset of winter temperatures
saw the convening of what I like to call the Unofficial Southwestern
Connecticut Caucus & Cocktail Hour: a gathering of politically minded
Nutmeggers who meet all too frequently over adult beverages and tobacco to
discuss the upcoming presidential primary season. This elite conclave
included representatives from the conservative wing (all three of us) as
well as those on the Democratic side. More

Al Gore
I'll admit it. As a huge fan of 1930s music and movies,
I've always dreamt of being a lyricist, a la Ira Gershwin or
Dorothy Fields. These folks produced songs that were incorporated by
Hollywood into what are often referred to as "screwball
comedies"; essentially plotless vehicles for great tunes and snappy
repartee. More

to Believe
You may have been treated to an email containing a list
called, "Things you have to believe to be a Republican," that's
been wending its way around cyberspace lately. It's a real hoot, but not
for the reasons its unknown authors intended; for it says far more about
them than about us. In the interests of compassionate conservatism, I
thought I'd give them a hand in reaching a better understanding of their
opposition. More

Power and the Glory
One year ago this week I boarded the first of two
airplanes that took me to Calcutta, India. I traveled with a dozen or so
others to volunteer for two weeks with Mother Teresa's Missionaries of
Charity, on what the priest who runs this annual trip called, "a
marvelous pilgrimage." More

It's been a good baseball summer for me. For the last
decade or so, instead of going off for a few weeks of rest on some
tropical island, I've traipsed around this great country via plane, train,
automobile and paddle-wheel boat in search of the real America at her
Major League ballparks. More

Old College Try
Are you getting your educational money's worth? Are you
convinced that the annual cost of sending your child to college --
probably higher than your first-ever year's salary -- is in some way
improving his mind and character? Well, depending on your definition of
improvement, you may be right. Or incredibly wrong. More

Is it any coincidence that the two entities American
liberals probably hate most are organized religion and our military?
Liberal groups like run ads disparaging military men of honor
like General David Petraeus while folks like the ACLU and the
"Reverend" Barry Lynn have made the elimination of God in public
their life's work. More

Lies and Videotape
So he's back, I suppose; Osama bin Laden. And boy, do we
need him for many reasons, not the least being that he helps us draw some
interesting comparisons. Many have pointed out the similarity between bin
Laden's comments and those of certain members of the Democratic left, but
there's more to it than mere words. They have a commonality as regards
methodology as well. More

Impoverished Debate
Are you like me? If you are, you're constantly amazed by
and grateful for the bountiful opportunities this country affords to
anyone willing to work for them. Living as I do in the New York
metropolitan area, I've seen places that were formerly considered the
''wrong side of the tracks'' transformed into beautiful apartment
complexes. And in my own previously all-white neighborhood, we have a
great assortment of families of all colors and creeds living in houses
that only a generation ago would have been impossible for them to afford. More

Night, Blessed Morning
Much-loved by most of the world -- and nearly all of it
prior to her famed condemnation of abortion in her 1979 Nobel Peace Prize
acceptance speech -- Blessed Teresa of Calcutta has once again taken
center stage in world opinion. The upcoming publication of Mother
Teresa: Come Be My Light by Fr. Brian Kolodiejchuk details private
letters from Mother Teresa to her various spiritual advisors, confessors
and to God himself, over the span of 50 years in which she is reported to
have suffered what is known as the "dark night of the soul." More

The recent death of Leona Helmsley calls to mind her
reputation as the "queen of mean" and her famous statement,
"We don't pay taxes. Only the little people pay taxes." While
comparisons between Mrs. Helmsley and a current, female presidential
candidate are inevitable, her words also remind one of a male entrant from
North Carolina. And it is the contention here that Hillary Clinton and
John Edwards belong together. More

When I was a kid, I remember watching a B-movie on TV
called, They Saved Hitler's Brain. The plot was an incomprehensible
mish-mash, but the main idea was that Nazi officials smuggled the gray
matter out of Germany at the end of World War II in order that it could
someday be grafted onto a body, thus continuing the evil dictator's
ambition of global domination. More

Having spent the last weekend in the beautiful confines of
Pittsburgh, PA, I had the occasion to visit the National Aviary, home to
more than 500 birds from around the world. As with most zoo-type places,
the natural splendor was replete with tales of devastation and extinction
befalling its denizens at the hands of evil human beings. More

The big news this week is that leading GOP presidential
candidates are prepared to just say no to CNN's September edition of its
YouTube debate series. In the aftermath of last week's unutterably awful
display of what passes for modern political debate in our country, this is
a most welcome and commonsensical development. In addition to the most
obviously embarrassing aspects of the Democrat debate -- animated snowmen,
phony rednecks, and a host of other wannabes eager for their 15 minutes of
fame -- was the inordinate amount of video-questions posed by young,
MTV-types. More

As Rush Limbaugh frequently says of liberal witch-hunts,
it's not whether one is guilty or not that counts; it's the seriousness of
the charge. The world of sports is unfortunately rife with charges,
criminal and otherwise almost daily, and many of these are symptomatic of
problems in our society in general. But the latest incident, involving
Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick, is especially instructive as it
calls to mind some important ones. More

Their Finest Hour
Sir Winston Churchill once said, "History will be
kind to me for I intend to write it." Although he did indeed write,
as well as make, much history, it will be of no avail to him personally
now that he has been dropped
from the official list of persons required for study by English school
students from the ages of 11 to 14. More

Go find a tranquil place, close your eyes and think back.
You were much younger than you are now, quite possibly a child. Your
mind's eye conjures up what seemed like a vast and majestic palace with
the rising wisps of sweet-smelling incense leading your gaze upward toward
what you thought must surely be Heaven. The altar boys, who only hours
before were your rambunctious playmates, have been transformed into
cherubic servants of God. More

of Independence (From Liberals)
When in the course of human events it becomes necessary
for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them
with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth the separate and
equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle
them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they
should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. More

Duke of America
I had a cousin who was your typical '60s hippie. As a
teenager he hated almost everything. He was disrespectful of his family,
his religious heritage and especially his country. In a turbulent time, he
embodied everything that modern liberalism now holds dear. But of all the
things he viscerally detested, number one on his list was John Wayne. More

Game Gone Lame
There have been numerous changes to the game of baseball
since its inception. No one expects a sport more than a century old to
remain forever true to its original rules and practices, and good
arguments can be made for or against particular changes. More

Greatest Liar
We all think we know him, or at least we're forever
trying. Every Christmas and Easter, documentary makers seek to redefine
him, or simply to find him. But who is the real Jesus Christ? In the
Catholic Church's tradition of sharpening doctrine by answering its
critics, Pope Benedict XVI has taken on the task of pushing back decades
of reconstruction of the "historical" Jesus with Jesus of
Nazareth, his first book since his election to the episcopal see of
Rome. More

Folks in the media and America in general seem confused
lately. Some of the confusion stems from the Iraq War and some from recent
polling in the 2008 presidential contest. Many polls are showing a rise in
the fortunes of Mitt Romney and Hillary Clinton, while their main
opponents, Rudy Giuliani and Barrack Obama seem to be fading a bit. How
could this happen? More

By now it's not news that Hillary Clinton has been casting
about for a theme song for her campaign to return to the White House in
2008. She's asking
her followers to vote for the winning tune from a menu of nine songs
including the Temptations, "Get Ready." That one's got my vote
if for no other reason than the lyric: "If you wanna play hide and
seek with love, let me remind you, it's alright. But the lovin' you're
gonna miss in the time it takes to find you, it's outta sight." More

"I don't think it's for me to decide. I can't decide when life
begins. All that I can decide is, you know, what are the constitutional
issues? What are the legal issues? How do you deal with these
So spoke Rudy Giuliani this past weekend
as he tried to clarify his positions on abortion, embryonic stem cell
research and other issues of concern to those who value innocent human
life from the moment of conception to natural death. He seemed confused
about when life begins and wondered how to deal with "these
things." More

and Sports
What a weekend in sports. At the Kentucky Derby, Street
Sense blazed through the field to become the first juvenile in nearly
thirty years to capture the roses. Floyd Mayweather prevailed over Golden
Boy Oscar De La Hoya in a split decision to retain his reputation as the
"best pound for pound" fighter in the world. There was near
perfection for seven innings at Yankee Stadium, while the NHL and NBA
playoffs crackled with excitement. More

Denver Derby
This past week's Democratic debate in South Carolina was a
tune-up for 2008's main event: The Denver Derby, where, in August of that
year, the party will choose its front-runner. Yes, the Denver Derby; the
most exciting sixteen months in politics, the run for the poseurs. This
contest is for thirty-five year olds and upward, foaled in the United
States and ready for a step up in class. More

Evolving Issue of Abortion
Last week was one of both celebration and sadness for who
those who hold innocent life dear. Many tears have been shed for the 32
lives cruelly ended by evil incarnate in Virginia, yet the souls of the
millions of unborn children -- who have been sacrificed at the altar of
inconvenience -- cry out across three decades for sympathy, yet up to now
have received little. More

Blame to Go Around
Most conservatives have enjoyed the outcomes of two
notable stories in the last week or so. They reveled in the dropping of
all charges against three Duke Lacrosse players and cheered the revelation
of perceived hypocrisy, if not the actual firing, of radio personality Don
Imus for his disparaging remarks about the oddly named Lady Scarlet
Knights basketball team. More

American Hero
This Sunday, April 15, Major League Baseball will
celebrate Jackie Robinson Day by commemorating the 60th anniversary of the
breaking of the game's color barrier. In my hometown of Stamford, CT,
where he spent the last twelve years of his life, there is a statue of
Robinson which calls to mind the annual jazz festivals he held at his home
to raise money for civil rights causes and the dignity of the man himself.

Must Be Easter
My father used to dread Columbus Day. As a proud,
first-generation American of Italian descent, early each October he would
begin to lament the airing of TV documentaries belittling the discoverer
of the Americas and the publication of numerous anti-Columbian tomes. He
would inevitably end with a prediction that "Viking ships will sail
into our harbors." He was seldom wrong. More

If you're like me, you feel that The Godfather Part II
is one of maybe a dozen fine movies to come out of Hollywood in the last
50 years. In it is a scene that often comes to my mind: In Cuba, Michael
Corleone says to Hyman Roth, "I saw an interesting thing happen
today." While he goes on to relate a tale of Castro's guerrillas, the
line represents a major turning point in the plot. More

It appears the movement to draft Fred Thompson into the
2008 presidential race is gaining steam. The former Tennessee senator,
lawyer and actor's appearance on Fox News Sunday a few weeks ago
has re-energized the right in a way that no one else in the race has come
close to doing. Why? Because he is truly one of us and because he can win.

or Repent?
It is not easy to be a Christian. To be perfect, as our
heavenly Father is perfect, is a directive that should instill both awe
and humility into its hearers. Likewise, commandments to love our
neighbors and pray for our enemies are also tall orders, which, without
the grace of God, would be almost impossible to obey. More

of Words
Every time I write a column that even remotely mentions
homosexuality and history's disinclination to regard it as a commendable
lifestyle, I am inundated with email accusing me of hateful gay-bashing
and labeled a homophobe. While I do not hate homosexuals or anyone else
for that matter, I do have a problem with folks who use etymologically
confused words like "homophobe." More

Tragicomedy in Innumerable Acts
I admit it. I watched portions of the Anna Nicole Smith
"custody hearing" last week. Not, mind you, because I intended
to, but because I'm in the habit of keeping a muted TV set turned on in
case some real news might intrude on the daily gossip roundups and grave
reports of snow in February. After reading somewhere about the odd conduct
of the judge in the case, when Fox News went to live court coverage, I
decided to see for myself. More

Many of the emails I received regarding my recent column
on Rudy Giuliani agreed with my premise that his social liberalism
outweighs his important stances on national defense and fiscal
conservatism. Still, many more are willing to overlook this; they remain
convinced that Rudy is their guy, based mainly on his promise to appoint
originalist judges and the "fact" that no other candidate can
beat Hillary Clinton. More

Rudy Dilemma
What's not to like about Rudy Giuliani? After all, he's
got charisma, style, name recognition and now apparently, even sex appeal.
He's from New York City, where he cut taxes and cleaned up the mobsters
and petty crime. He's tough on terror; he told that Arab sheik where to
get off when he offered $10 million to NYC after 9/11 and he even kicked
Yasser Arafat out of a Lincoln Center bash. So what's not to like? More

After the November elections, while most conservatives
were in a dual state of shock and mourning, I advised
them to turn their thoughts to the joys of congressional minority living:
"And this, my fellow partisans, is where the fun begins; fun, as in
watching the loyal opposition twist themselves into pretzels on the floors
of Congress for a change." More

At approximately 6:25 PM EST on Sunday in Miami, an
expensively clad foot will meet a prolate spheroid sending it skyward;
kicking off the nation's most-celebrated single day of sport. Across the
country, folks will gather for their annual feast of football's finest but
will be forced also to endure side dishes of poor punditry, bathroom
humor, and really bad music. More

With a mere 21 months to go until the 2008 presidential
election, the race is already heating up and the field ever-widening. The
free-for-all atmosphere surrounding the competition is a phenomenon not
seen in a long while as, for the first time in nearly 80 years, no sitting
president or vice president is contending for the top prize. More

All of Washington is up in arms, so to speak, over
President Bush's revamped plans for securing the peace in Iraq and winning
the War on Terror. As usual, those doing the yapping are parsing words the
president did, and did not use, such as "surge." And as is also
usual, they missed seeing the forest for the trees. More

Appear in the Strangest of Places
They say that the Lord works in mysterious ways. Last
year's remarks by Pope Benedict XVI -- when he spoke of the Qur'an's
commands to spread Islam by the sword as incompatible with reason -- were
met with the usual rage from many in the Muslim community and their
sympathizers. Though it did not immediately seem so, this might just have
signaled a watershed event in the global struggle against those who are
most willing to use that sword. More

Snow Hill
I had the occasion last winter to spend a week in the
picturesque Adirondack Mountains. Ostensibly a ski trip, but actually just
an excuse to leave the city behind and commune with nature, a few friends
and I departed the hub-bub and blackened snow of southwestern Connecticut
for the unspoiled northland. More

At this time of the year, awards are generally handed
out wherein lists are compiled toting up the greatest song, athlete, movie
and even TV show of all time! As if all of these have taken up even
an eyeblink of history. This was most annoying at the turn of the last
century, but it continues today. The "voters" are usually some
pointy-headed group, or an arm of the corresponding category's media, but
sometimes even the general public itself speaks.More

Visit From St. Hillary
With sincerest apologies to Democrats everywhere
and, once again, to Clement Clark Moore.
'Twas the night before
Christmas, in two-thousand six;
All the lefties were bustling; their Party to fix.
The vote had gone centrist, they struggled for air,
And hoped that St. Hillary soon would declare.
As liberals awaited, awake in their beds,
Impeachable articles danced in their heads!
But since moderate Dems had prevailed in their views,
I'd just settled down to a sweet solstice snooze.

Ali Rap
The other
day I was watching NFL highlights on ESPN where they were showcasing the
latest feats of the incomparable LaDainian Tomlinson. Apart from his great
athletic talents, something else strikes you about him. After scoring a
touchdown he does a strange thing; he simply hands the ball to the nearest
official. No dances or similarly planned gyrations; no jersey-grabbing and
no "look at me" demonstrations. More

and Love
history of Western civilization shows us that most social and moral
progress has been brought about by persons free from religion."
This statement, earth-shatteringly ignorant and historically inaccurate as
it is, tops the "purposes" page at the Freedom From Religion
Foundation website.
The work of mostly feminists, atheists and leftists, the FFRF is one of
many groups that not only seek to banish all vestiges of (mainly
Christian) religion from American public life, but to soil the debate with
absurd notions as above. While it is true that no religion has been free
from the human weaknesses of its purveyors, organized religion has
accounted for much more good than evil in the West. More

on the Offensive
enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed
to deny or disparage others retained by the people." This, the 9th
Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which already has its share of
judicial footprints all over it, may soon be amended to add,
"excepting those which may cause offense to certain groups." More

Before the
holiday which dare not speak its name commences, we are visited by one
that in some ways has retained its original trappings. Thanksgiving Day,
whose celebration predates the formation of the United States government,
has somehow managed to survive secular attacks; though the idea of exactly
who we are to thank is getting a bit confused. More

November 7,
2006: Not a good night to remember. As a Republican and especially an
American who supports our war efforts, I was devastated; but as a
political columnist, I say, "Bring it on!" And maybe you should
too. More

It wasn't
the slight poke in the ribs, but the way he said, "Excuse me young
lady," that jostled me out of my nap during the long flight home. I
looked over at the man who addressed me in such a charming, if slightly
inaccurate manner. Something about his smile and the gleam in his eyes
jolted mine as I rubbed the sleep out of them: could it really be Ronald
Reagan? More

the Blue Wave
hand-wringing and moaning are as palpable as they have ever been as
cowering Beltway Republicans wait for the dreaded Blue Wave of Democratic
rule to crash over their heads come November 7th. The gloom and doom
predictions, long a tool of the liberal media, have now reached the pens
of some conservative pundits who have joined their liberal brethren in
predicting that the end is near. But is it? More

Bye Bombers
As a
longtime Yankee fan, I see that my October surprise again came early, as
routine in recent years as the revelation of Republican skeletons in the
closet and about as welcome. This year's giant-killers spring from the
swing state of Michigan; fearsome Tigers whose rivalry with the
Pinstripers dates back to the beginnings of the American League. More

Like Old Times
It seems as
if the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy has come out of the closet. The VRWC, a
shadowy entity first discovered by Hillary Clinton in 1998, which
apparently planned and executed her husband's sexual peccadilloes, has
emerged once again to bedevil her spouse. Now as before, the VRWC is
faulted for his bad behavior; this time they caused him to throw a
full-blown temper tantrum in front of the nation. More

When I was
young, we used to avail ourselves of my grandmother's basement to gather
together for some sanctioned socializing with the opposite sex. This being
the early '70s, we were a part of the first generation of Americans who
did not know how to dance -- as defined by the Arthur Murray tradition
where there are actual steps to be learned -- and the music we hopped
around to was certainly not conducive to doing so anyway. More

This week
marked a new chapter in the War on Terror. Events here and around the
world have sharpened the differences between those who support American
and greater Western culture, and those who are pledged to its destruction.

Blame Game
Are you
tired of hearing that "it's all Bush's fault"? Do you cringe
every time you attend a family function, knowing that the liberals at your
table will spend most of the evening rapt in a Bush-bashing rhapsody while
you, out of politeness, remain silent? Sick of every complaint, from men
who don't put down the toilet seat, to acts of God, being associated with
that master of disaster from Crawford, Texas? More

Media's Military Mavens
Whenever I
or other folks write or even talk about the War on Terror, liberals are
quick to deliver their favorite line with the obligatory sneer: "Have
you ever served in the military?" When my answer, that I don't
believe in women in the Armed Forces, produces the requisite foaming at
the mouth, I follow that up with, "Have you?" More

often portray themselves as a beacon to the poor and especially protectors
of the sacred American middle class. They are prone at almost any time to
break into song over the way Republicans "cater to the rich" by
cutting taxes and "balance the budget on the backs of the poor."

and Stones
remarks by Virginia Senator George Allen may not have broken any bones but
they surely bruised the tender sensibilities of some liberal operatives
and their media counterparts. His videotaped comments to S.R. Sidarth, an
Indian-American college student working for his Senate opponent's
campaign, and the reaction to them just might be an opening volley in the
2008 presidential campaign. More

a Lazy River
up with Lieberman?" That question was on the lips of nearly all those
I encountered on the first few days of a trip I took last week aboard the
Delta Queen, a gracious and glorious paddlewheel steamboat that cruises
America's great rivers. More

Can't Spell Pap Without the AP
Associated Press, the world's largest news agency, has, since its
formation in 1846, had the reputation of being a source for fair and
balanced, just-the-facts reporting. Its mission statement reads:
"AP's mission is to be the essential global news network, providing
distinctive news services of the highest quality, reliability and
objectivity with reports that are accurate, balanced and informed." More

Years ago I
knew a man whose knowledge of history stemmed nearly entirely from what he
gained through the viewing of Hollywood movies. Given the breadth of
subjects covered by that medium, his knowledge seemed rather extensive. He
was quite good at concealing the fact that almost all the particulars he
tossed about in conversation were gleaned from the silver screen;
particularly those concerning World War II. More

Can the
Democrats and their liberal wing do us any more favors? In the 2000
presidential race they ran an incumbent vice-president from a Southern
state and were beaten by the narrowest of margins. In what some viewed as
a conservative national tilt in 2002, they lost their Senate majority
giving control of two branches of government over to the GOP. More

Poppins Gone Mad
You have
often read in this space of the advance in our lives of the tyranny of the
nanny state. The methods of the nanny state are many but her intent can be
summed up thusly down through the years: You, the American people -- you
who created the world's longest-surviving constitutional republic; you
whose industry has made you an economic giant; you whose love of freedom
has spread that gift to millions of people around the world -- you no
longer know what's good for you. More

Last week's
twin rulings by the states of Georgia and New York against homosexual
marriage caused quite a stir. The top courts in both states found that
laws specifying marriage as between one man and one woman are
constitutional. More

Here in
Connecticut, we don't often get to make big political news. Oh, once in a
while we see some action -- Kennedy cousin Michael Skakel got
twenty-to-life from a jury of his peers, Susette Kelo got the shaft from
the city of New London and the Supreme Court, and Governor Rowland got his
comeuppance -- but in recent times, the Nutmeg State has been so
electorally true blue, that the first week in November is usually a big
This year however, all eyes are focused on the re-election bid of
Democratic Senator Joseph Lieberman, where some in his own party are
supporting the candidate who won the chance to challenge him in an
upcoming primary. They hope that Greenwich millionaire Ned Lamont can
unseat the man who is viewed as a disloyal member of the loyal opposition.
Why? More

Sports in
America are a funny thing. Average Americans who love sports are often
dismissed by their betters in academia as rednecks and worse; especially
the few yahoos who get carried away when their teams win it all. Unless of
course, these celebrations take place in inner-city areas where the
populace is assumed to be merely venting frustration at cruel Republican
repression. More

Yes, it's
been a great couple of weeks for President Bush and therefore, America.
But not for some folks. It seems every time they turn around, Democrats
have another cruel door of reality slam them in the face. Their efforts to
paint the GOP with the culture of corruption brush met with a slim but
bitter defeat in California; and at the highest levels of the
administration where Karl Rove remains at large, free to plot and plan
against them at will. More

Win for Losing
Well, it
looks like that "culture of corruption" ploy didn't work out too
well for Democrats last week in California. But after Brian Bilbray won
disgraced Duke Cunningham's seat, some liberals quickly changed tack to
claim that he did it by using the illegal immigration issue as a
"scare tactic." More

the Season
Deck the halls with baling wire,
Fa la la la la, la la la la.
Tis the season that is dire,
Fa la la la la, la la la la.
Don we now our suits of mourning,
Fa la la, la la la, la la la.
Troll the ancient summer warning,
Fa la la la la, and sis-boom-bah!
Yes, it's the time of year formerly known as summertime. You remember
summertime; when the living was easy under the boardwalk during those
lazy, hazy, crazy days of soda and pretzels and beer. In days of yore,
summer was celebrated as a three-month-long respite from the chill of
winter; a haven from school for kids and a laid-back reprieve for adults. More

Al Gore Ready for His Close-Up?
is (just about) busting out all over and, so it seems, is Democratic
interest in erstwhile presidential candidate Albert Gore, Jr. Yes, Al
Gore, who in his last quest for the White House learned the hard way that
a kiss is usually just a kiss, but a sigh can sometimes be more
consequential. More

Ruth to Power
few years back, Barry Bonds was thinking of a number. Not just any number,
but the number 714, the home run total of one George Herman Ruth. Why, you
might ask, would Bonds concern himself with a record broken 30 years ago?
Why not focus on the established Major League record of 755 dingers held
by Hank Aaron? Well, for what it's worth, here was Barry's answer:
"755 isn't a number that's always caught my eye...the only number I
care about is Babe Ruth's. As a left-handed hitter, I wiped him out. And
in the baseball world, Babe Ruth's everything, right? I got his (single
season) slugging percentage, I got him on on-base, I got him on walks and
then I'll take his home run record and that's it. Don't talk about him no
more." More

and Hollywood
is truth?" Such was the question asked by the Roman governor of Judea
of a man who stood before him, a man whose death at Rome's hands would
signify a great beginning. As they have for many, many centuries,
Catholics still speak the name of Pontius Pilate when they recite the
Creed at weekly Mass. Why? More

remember a phrase my father used to describe certain people. He would
occasionally call someone who had done a foolish but well-intended deed,
"a good-hearted slob." You know the type. They lend money to
indigent, ne'er-do-well relatives with no hope of repayment, or, out of
common courtesy, waste valuable time listening to the spiel of any
pitchman who appears on their doorstep. More

Blame to Go Around
that the baseball season is in full bloom it has, unlike the brilliant
springtime flora and fauna, spawned much unsightliness in the form of
sports-radio talk. The constant yammering is almost enough to make one
thankful for the intrusion of the interminable NFL draft. More

of the Nanny State
first dispatched with the notion of private property rights with a
"me-too" smoking ban two years ago, followed up by the
lollapalooza Kelo v. New London eminent domain case, my home state of
Connecticut has upped the ante to new heights of socialist nanny-statism.
It took all of three hours for state representatives to pass a bill
that, if the State Senate concurs, could send adults to jail for up to a
year for serving alcohol on their property to those under 21 years of age.

of Fantasy
we ready for the Flight 93 movie? That's the question on the lips of the
liberal media as United
93 nears its release date later this month. I mention the media
because they seem to be the only folks who view the movie's premier with
trepidation, as they do in reference to almost anything concerning the
attacks of September 11, 2001. More

Culture of Corruption?
of the favorite terms of endearment employed by the left in pursuit of
their return to power is that their enemies constitute a "culture of
corruption." You can hardly swing a cat around Democrats these days
without getting an earful about Republican corruption. Indeed, if one
navigates to the website, they can view a rather neat
graphic of file folders tied together with string called "The
Corruption Files." More

it's better to be on the outside looking in. Like those on the left, we on
the right are much more effective and much more comfortable on the attack
than on defense. And although his enemies have been largely swinging and
missing, George Bush and his conservative base are suffering an acute bout
of second term-itis. More

After Two Deaths
week marks the anniversary of two notable deaths: Terri Schiavo on March
31, and Pope John Paul II on April 2. Their passing led to oceans of
coverage by the national media seeking typically not to report the stories
but to explain it all to us. And, as usual when it comes to matters of
faith, they got it wrong. More

that time of year when bubbles burst and buzzer beaters ring out across
the land. For many, it's an occasion for great elation, for some, bitter
disappointment. But if recent news reports are to be believed, it is truly
the month of March Madness for Democrats. More

young man walked slowly toward his place of execution. Dressed in a
crumpled suit and tie, he faced the firing squad and asked permission to
pray. As a Catholic priest ministering to the faithful during the purge of
the Church by Mexican revolutionaries, he was condemned to death. As the
photographers and riflemen took aim, he raised his arms parallel to the
ground, forgave his executioners and shouted, "Viva Christo Rey!"

Hillary Walk the Line?
does not seem rosy in the world of those supporting the nascent White
House aspirations of Hillary Rodham Clinton. Many have noted the rumblings
of some on the far left of her party toward certain of her stances, if you
can call them that. In response, she has begun to tiptoe the tightrope
between the moderate and leftist camps of the Democrats' big tent. More

and Sports
word "racism" has been tossed around the past few years like so
many used hankies. In nearly all spheres of American life -- from
politics, to the military and the world of sports -- the term is used to
excuse and condone a multitude of sins. Sometimes warranted, often not,
charges of racism against minorities are almost as common today as were
actual instances of it decades ago. More

been a lifelong sports fan. My first memory was of my father's admiration
and awe while watching Gale Sayers, the Kansas Comet, perform feats of
gridiron magic for the Chicago Bears. I loved boxing and enjoyed growing
up in an era rife with talented and hungry fighters, and one where the
heavyweight championship was still considered the greatest and most
respected of all titles in the sporting world. More

Raw Deal
Samuel Alito Supreme Court nomination hearings are now a part of history,
but snippets of the Democratic Party's accusations and name-calling live
on. Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) dramatically lamented that "a chill
wind blows," presumably across the facade of the Supreme Court
building. In actuality, the entire D.C. landscape was engulfed by great
gusts of hot air emanating directly from the Judiciary Committee hearing
room. More

Hamas, and Saddam
news from the Middle East this week has, with the exception of the
wounding of two members of the media, moved away from Iraq. Attention is
now focused on the two growing threats to peace in the region; the
electoral victory of Hamas in Palestine and the nuclear rantings of Iran's
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. More

West Fling
by plunging approval numbers and his failure to produce for the American
people, the president's term will come to an early and untimely end on May
14. It seems the public has had its fill of liberal fantasy-land President
Josiah Bartlet. More

Wrong Side of Roe
week's hearings on the nomination of Samuel Alito to the U.S. Supreme
Court raised many interesting issues, but none more important to certain
groups than whether or not his confirmation would tilt the Court towards
overturning Roe v. Wade. More

it's hard to find a ray of light in the American judicial system, but once
in a while the sun comes shining through. In a shocking display of clarity
and common sense, a federal appeals court judge ruled
last month that the Ten Commandments may remain on a wall in a Mercer
County, Kentucky courthouse. More

for Republicans
that the holiday that dare not speak its name is in our collective
rear-view mirror, it's that time of year when the political punditry turns
their weary eyes to the future. And those who dominate the media are out
of the gate early, chirping optimistically about liberal prospects in 2006
and beyond.
Their talking points are already out and the main message is this:
Conservatives are stupid. Not only stupid, but dense, knuckle-dragging,
thick-legged sheep who will submissively go wherever liberals want to lead
them. So inept are they, that they are incapable of choosing their own
presidential candidates. More

Visit from St. Hillary
the night before Christmas, as in days of yore;
Not a liberal was stirring, not even Al Gore;
Our prospects were sinking, we pined in despair,
And prayed that St. Hillary soon would appear.
We Democrats waited, while snug in our beds,
Impeachable articles danced in our heads!
But with Bush in the White House and Cheney as veep,
I'd just settled down to a paranoid sleep. More

Down the Polls
with their latest polling statistics, liberal Democrats frequently take to
the talk shows and editorial pages to proclaim this or that anti-Bushism
with steely confidence. In an effort to discredit them, many on the right
then try to point out the questionable methodology used in producing such
polls. More

Ghosts of Christmas Presence II
other night on TV, I watched a liberal talking head go ballistic in a discussion
of the "war on Christmas." He ranted that there is no such war,
and even if there were, it's those on the right, like Fox News, who are
fanning the flames. He noted that in 1929 Henry Ford wrote that the Jews
were behind such attacks and that the John Birch Society made similar
claims against secularists in 1959. More

Ghosts of Christmas Presence
beginning to look a lot like Christmas; that is, the mercury is dropping
while temperatures are rising due to the war on Christmas waged annually
by the secular left and others. The "Happy Holidays" crowd does
all it can to erase from sight and mind the very reason for all the
December hubbub; the birth of the one that 80% of Americans call their
Lord. More

Disservice to America
Jefferson Clinton has been on the receiving end of more magnanimity from
George W. Bush than he has any reasonable right to expect. Ignoring the
history of insults and slights his family has suffered at the hands of his
predecessor, President Bush has repaid this ill-treatment with a large
dose of Christian charity. More

to their Devices
are racing the clock. Less than a year separates them from realizing their
dream of retaking Congress, staying even, or worse, losing more seats to
the Republicans. Although the media is mesmerized by the startling fact
that Democrats retained two governorships last week, recent history
suggests that they are going nowhere fast. More

a week that saw a spate of anti-Catholic rumination by the media on the
nomination of Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court, others in the political
spectrum were also concerned with religious issues. In their continuing
confusion regarding these matters, some Democrats seek to placate the
faithful, while others look to eliminate religion from the public sphere
altogether. More

News is Bad News
a difference a week makes. Short days ago, the liberal media were doing
the Snoopy dance of joy in advance of what they were sure would be the
beginning of the end of the dim-witted cowboy/scheming frat-boy that is
George W. Bush. More

the salivation scale, this past week has been a veritable drool-fest for
those who inhabit the newsrooms, editorial desks, and websites making up
the liberal media world. The Sunday talk shows were awash in liberal glee;
a level of happiness not seen since before a certain blue dress avoided a
trip to the cleaners.

the Iraqi Constitution
look on Dick Durbin's face said it all. Involuntary muscles drew down the
sides of his mouth as he attempted a forced smile but succeeded in
producing only a grimace. The occasion was the appearance of the
Democratic Senator on Fox News Sunday to discuss the Iraq constitutional
referendum. As always, the latest good news from Iraq sits like a large
lump in the throats of the president's enemies. More

are cranky people by nature. Having walked in the liberal shadow for forty
years as the opposition party, finding themselves in control of the
government has, at times, been an even less sunny experience. For too
long, they fought only liberals and their freedom-killing
"progressive" ideas. Now that they are truly a major political
force, they additionally must battle the mainstream media and, it seems,
each other. More

Her Some Slack - The Miers Nomination
fear in the pit of the stomach was palatable; sweat oozed from the brow of
every conservative with an Internet connection. On the afternoon of
November 2, 2004, online reports of early exit polls posted indicated that
John Kerry would likely be the next president of the United States.
In the second consecutive election-year frenzy -- recall the panic in 2000
when TV reporters initially botched the Supreme Court's ruling on Bush v.
Gore -- reports of George W. Bush's demise have been greatly exaggerated. More

Taste of the '60s
do modern war protesters want? In the Vietnam War era, they clearly
favored the Communist way of life to our own -- not for themselves, mind
you, but for the millions we'd have freed had they and their media
accomplices not forced a political end to what would have been a military
victory. More

Rattle and Poll
Item: The White House artfully created a continuous string of events that
showed the president taking care of "the people's business."
Pictures of the president hugging a disabled child, putting his arm around
an elderly flood victim, or visiting an elementary school provided a soft
contrast to the harsh attacks on him.
No, the above is not a recent news story on George W. Bush. It is a piece
-- with names omitted -- written on the eve of the 2000 Democratic
Convention, explaining
Bill Clinton's handlers moved to raise his job approval numbers after the
Lewinsky scandal broke. It contains one of the few instances where, in
addition to mentioning Clinton's 68 percent job approval rating, his personal
rating of 21 percent is also included. More

Roberts Sweeps DC
that the victims of Hurricane Katrina have served their purpose for those
on the left, Senate Democrats happily turned their attention to their
favorite weapon of mass destruction: judicial assassination. More

wouldn't know it and you probably haven't heard it, but the American
people -- unlike 90 percent of the media -- don't
blame President Bush for the miserable handling of the Gulf Coast's
brutalization at the hands of Hurricane Katrina. More

City of Infamy
years, those on the far left have repeatedly maintained that they support
the U.S. military while, in reality, they oppose nearly every incidence of
its deployment. Now it seems their animosity is not just reserved for our
most recent forays. Apparently the Iraq War has soured them
retrospectively on earlier battles for freedom as well. More

Vacation Bashing - Singing' the Crawford Blues
it's August and the press is languishing in Crawford, Texas, it's time for
the annual Bush vacation media bash. This means that unless there's a
kidnapping or runaway bride story to hold the nation's interest, the media
will instead launch into their favorite summer pastime; turning the
president's visit home into a four-week sentence of derision and contempt.

Frist: Pro-Life Lite
or God Complex?
stem cell research is once again in the news via Senate Majority Leader
Bill Frist's revelation
that he opposes President Bush on this subject. While some believe that
the president erred in permitting any funding for ESCR, Mr. Frist
now thinks he hasn't gone far enough. More

Why They
Fight Us
quickly collapsing canard that Islamist rage is reserved only for
participants in Operation Iraqi Freedom is still being touted by some on
the left here and around the world. In some Muslim countries they
practically boast of the safety they presume to possess by opposing the
Iraq War. More

Fights Back
funny thing happened on the way to the nation's highest forum last week.
After Harry Reid attempted to use the well of the U.S. Senate to advance
his party's frivolous attempt at ousting Karl Rove for outing Joe Wilson's
wife, GOP leaders actually fought back. After four years of quietly
beating the minority to a pulp behind the scenes and at the ballot box,
Bill Frist and company exhibited a rare public display of political
payback. More

Guide to Liberal Supreme Court-Speak
seasons or events have historically spawned their own lexicons which are
unique to those events and used almost exclusively to describe them. Late
in the college football season, some games have what are unfailingly
called, "serious bowl implications." Likewise vice-presidential
candidates must possess 'gravitas' and Super Bowls oddly acquire roman
numerals. So too, does the Supreme Court nomination process require its
own terminology, especially when the president is a Republican.
Over the next several weeks there are a number of ordinary words and
phrases that will be used ad nauseam in reference to whomever President
Bush submits to the senate for confirmation. They will however take on
some unfamiliar connotations in the course of being repeated in endless
web-postings, editorials and what passes for debate in the world's
greatest deliberative body. More

Bill of Rights or a Bill of Goods?
The moment
the idea is admitted into society that property is not as sacred as the
laws of God, and that there is not a force of law and public justice to
protect it, anarchy and tyranny commence. If 'Thou shalt not covet' and
'Thou shalt not steal' were not commandments of Heaven, they must be made
inviolable precepts in every society before it can be civilized or made
free. - John Adams - A Defense of the American Constitutions, 1787
Were Mr. Adams
to attempt a defense of the U.S. Constitution as its principles are
applied today, he would no doubt declare that anarchy and tyranny have
indeed commenced. Though the sublime document itself still remains revered
and untouched in the National Archives Building, its most sacred tenets
lie broken and shattered at the feet of the very justices created to
adjudicate them. More

Support the Troops But...
what is deliciously being termed 'Durbin Warfare', another messy debacle
played out last week on the floor of the world's greatest deliberative
body when a leading Democrat was caught with his left-wing slip showing. More

the Twin Towers Down
get something straight. There is no justification for a moral equivalency
that can possibly compare the unspeakable deaths suffered by 3,000
innocent human beings with the nauseatingly overblown notion of
mistreatment of a handful of terror suspects held by the U.S. military.
None. More

Bush And The Media
year ago the nation paid a fond farewell to its 40th president in a
week-long tribute filled with pride, pathos and patriotism. Hundreds of
thousands of Americans turned out to file past the president lying in
state in the Capitol Rotunda and to line the streets of Washington to see
his cortege pass.

Moderates Deal - A House of Cards
night’s deal between fourteen Senate moderates gladdened seven
self-important Republicans and a whole lot of Democrats, especially their
media wing. Typical comments on the Memorandum Of Understanding contained
the usual words ‘courageous,’ and ‘maverick’ when referring to the
leader of the coup, their icon, John McCain.
For some
reason--perhaps just to annoy conservatives--the media actually believe
that McCain’s antics are a stepping-stone to the 2008 GOP presidential
nomination. They also believed this in 2000 and 2004 and will probably go
on believing it until he either switches parties or dies. The thinking
seems to be: anger Republicans and they will vote for you. More

Week in the Senate
the foliage bursts forth into its spring magnificence, the vernal quietude
up on Capitol Hill--never too peaceful in any season--will be further rent
this week by howls of protest, sniveled cries of injustice and the general
despair of the defeated. And that’s just the Washington press corps. More

Peter Pan Generation
Eric Dyson’s tour for his book, Is Bill Cosby Right? (Or Has the Black
Middle Class Lost its Mind?) has been busting out all over radio and TV in
the past few weeks. In fact there’s been lots of talk about Bill
Cosby’s remarks concerning declining morality and poor behavior stemming
from a lack of parental responsibility that’s holding black kids back.
Mr. Cosby laments the lifestyle of young blacks; from their dress, to
their music, their views on sex, their language and their moral ethos in
general. He believes that it is the fault of black parents for not
checking more closely on the lives of their children and in this he comes
close to the mark. More
Whispers To Black Voters
if America's 'loyal opposition' didn't have enough trouble, another issue
is quietly trickling its way into the public eye. An editorial piece in
the Philadelphia Enquirer entitled, "Black Voters Warm to GOP,"
overtly states what, up to now, could only be whispered within Beltway
confines: some black voters are leaving the Democratic Party. More

Pope and Andrew Sullivan
Catholic on Earth is a sinner. From this writer up to and including the
newly installed Pope Benedict XVI. That we have the church to steer us to
our redeemer through the sacrament of penance and reconciliation to
forgive our sins, is a precious gift of grace from God. It is this belief,
along with many others, that unites us to what we call the one true church.

Politics of Faith
country was, in no small part founded from the pulpit. Many colonial
ministers urged support for the American Revolution and some actually
fought in that conflict. A sermon
by David Jones of Philadelphia in 1775 exhorted, “We have considered the
alarming call, which we have to take up arms; let us unite as men
possessed of a true sense of liberty....If ever there was one time that
called for more religion than another, this is the very time.”
Mr. Jones uttered these words today he would no doubt have been condemned
as both a religious fanatic and a chicken hawk. He also would have been
threatened with the loss of his church’s tax exempt status, provided of
course, that his words were in support of President Bush. More

New York Times and Its Catholic Crusade
When it comes
to bashing the Catholic Church and its pope, the New York Times has lots
of competition. But it has outdone even itself this week with a little
number called, "Catholics
in U.S. Keep Faith, but Live With Contradictions," a 1,500 word
paean to what are generally known as cafeteria Catholics or, those who
would pick and choose which parts of church teaching they will embrace or
Seeking to
portray the church as an uncaring, sexist entity that does not understand
its members, the Times singles out some Catholics who show little
understanding of their faith and seem to prefer a more Americanized
version of same. Cited also is a ubiquitous Gallup poll which the Times
evidently feels justifies flouting disagreeable church doctrine--think of
the Ten Commandments as a butterfly ballot. More

the Pope Catholic?
and photogenic world traveler, idol of youth, defeater of Communism, great
communicator and master politician. Were these descriptions of the late Ronald
Reagan? No, these platitudes were delivered at the passing of Pope John Paul
II. But, as was the case with the 40th president, the media once again have
failed to understand what lies behind the adoration millions felt for this
man. More

Schiavo: Death By Judicial Fiat
you read this, Terri Schiavo will most likely be dead. Executed by the state
of Florida at the request of noted death advocate George Felos acting in
behalf of her husband Michael. Executed without trial by jury, without
congressionally ordered federal appeal and most cruelly, despite her family's
heroic efforts to feed and care for her.
That the termination of an innocent, brain-damaged yet otherwise healthy woman
has taken place is reason enough to grieve. More mournful still is the state
of our government and the cultural circumstances that brought us to this sad
day. More

Terri, Save America
gnawing in the pit of the stomach will not abate. The feeling that, little
by little, we are seeing that which formerly made this country great slip
away before our unbelieving eyes; that greatness which was represented by
the notion that justice, truth and moral clarity would always prevail
against tyranny in every form—especially governmental—seems to be at
an end
the founding principle of this nation—the safeguarding of the God-given
rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness—has come to be
regarded as so much un-nuanced corn, to be sorted out and ‘explained’
to us by our judicial betters is an abomination. More

the Courts and Baseball
attempting to enjoy NCAA conference tournament action last weekend, in between
bouts of averting my eyes to avoid the barrage of promos for ESPN's thug-fest
called "Tilt," a sudden "special report" screamed,
"Mark McGwire linked to steroid probe!" The reaction in the
restaurant where I watched was akin to that of reports earlier in the week
that Michael Jackson had dressed and acted bizarrely in court: Pass the
pretzels, please. More

and the Race for '08
than four months after the 2004 elections some folks—particularly those
whose exodus to Canada is temporarily on hold—are already slavering over
the possible presidential run of she who is known by a single name.
York’s junior senator, Hillary sometimes Rodham Clinton, is thought by
many to be the early favorite in America’s quadrennial race for the
White House. Some Beltway touts see Ms. Clinton matched up against
fellow one-namers; either the fetching filly Condi, or Rudy, who was
scratched in their last meeting. More

Dark Tower of Judicial Tyranny
done it again. It used be a shadowy penumbra, an ethereal emanation or simply
the notion of a living, breathing document that enabled the Supreme Court of
the United States to conform our Constitution to their schemes of social
engineering. Now it is also to foreign jurisprudence that we must look. More

Schiavo and the Soul of America
It is often said by
abortion supporters that a fetus is not a baby until it can survive
independently outside the mother's womb. This is, of course, a specious
argument since this "survival" is not possible without the care
and nourishment of others, either pre or post birth.
This is true not
only of infants and children, but of the sick, disabled and elderly as
well. But if certain right-to-death groups get their way this week, you
can add Terri Schiavo's name to the growing list of disposables for whom
the simple act of feeding would make her life otherwise viable. More

Light At The End Of The Iraqi Tunnel?
After an
obligatory but brief holiday from doom-and-gloom prophesizing on the matter of
Iraq, liberals will presently rejoin their efforts in the War on Bush. This
boggy quagmire--having been woefully escalated by the Red Army of
Jesus-land--is fast becoming the Vietnam-generation’s Vietnam, except that
‘peace with honor’ is not in their vocabulary. More

Through Liberty
when a plain man speaks, those who are paid to analyze his words are instead
mystified by them. In an elegant inaugural address last week, President Bush
gave words to the deeds undertaken on the world’s behalf by the United
States and its military for the last hundred or so years—the spreading and
defense of freedom. More

Tough Week for Liberals
will be a tough week for liberals. Beginning Tuesday, they must find a way to
curb their seething disdain for minority conservatives while grilling
Condoleezza Rice before the Senate Armed Services Committee and on Thursday,
they face the unbearable darkness that is the second inauguration of George W.
Make no mistake about it though, they will pillory Dr. Rice. It's just that
they will conceal their racial animus behind charges of incompetence
surrounding her support for the invasion of Iraq. And it won't be pretty. More

Years Daze
that the Winter Solstice and other Pagan celebrations have concluded, it’s
time to shake off the effects of our annual Bacchanalian rituals and take
stock of recent events with a clear head. I offer, in no particular order, a
few of the most interesting. More

Visit From St. Hillary
sincerest apologies to Clement Mark Moore
'Twas the night
before Christmas, in 2004,
Not a liberal was stirring, not even Al Gore;
Their prospects were dismal, they pined in despair,
And hoped that St. Hillary soon would appear.
The Democrats waited, subdued by their meds,
While visions of pork barrels danced in their heads.
With election-year worries and woes off my chest,
I’d just settled down for a long four-year rest.

Wish Us Unhappy Holidays
an effort to assuage their latest electoral pain, some in the far left of
the Democratic Party have laid siege to Ohio in hopes of reviving their
flagging ‘every vote counts’ war chant, while others have enrolled in
PEST-control programs to ease the suffering inflicted by the recent
red-state tidal wave.
most vocal however are those still mystified by the ‘values’ issues
cited by many of the voters who re-elected President Bush. Unwilling to
learn from their defeat and unable to process concepts like faith,
morality, and patriotism, they have decided to throw more gasoline on
their funeral pyre by attacking religion in general and Christmas in
particular. More

Voices, Muslim Whispers: Islam For America
usually write my own column, but recent events in the Middle East call for
voices from that region to be heard among the mainstream media din. Some
Muslims promote Jihad while others support democratic reform. More

Folks to Remember This Thanksgiving
this festive season of the year, in between bites of turkey and bouts of
pigskin on Thanksgiving Day, some of us like to offer thanks to God for the
blessings bestowed on us throughout the year. However, in special
recognition of the 2004 elections, further gratitude must be extended to some
others as well. More

Mystery of the Singing Marines
stand there at attention; impossibly young, and handsome in a way that only a
man who proudly wears the uniform of his country can be. Two Marines, on the
eve of the battle for Fallujah, mere days away from a fierce struggle and
house-to-house fighting, captured for posterity on videotape. And what do
these leathernecks do in those moments leading up to their hour of peril? They
sing. More

Ducks and New Canucks
I was young, some thousands of my countrymen fled to Canada in order to
avoid fighting the evils of Communism in a distant land. More than thirty
years later, some thousands of liberals are planning to ascend to the
Great White North to avoid fighting the evils of conservatism in their own
back yard. More

for the Unconvinced
know them. You see them every day. They sit next to you on the train, in
church or in the cubicle next to yours. Whenever the question of the
presidential election arises, they are quick to condemn George W. Bush using
talking points picked up from the media or in the union hall. But when you ask
if they will vote for John F. Kerry, they waver a bit. They are not the
undecided, but the unconvinced. More

Kerry's Faith Without Deeds
year's presidential campaign is described by some as one of the most important
in our history. Towering above all the issues is that of national security and
which candidate can best ensure it. Peering under the circus tent that
envelops the process, one can get a glimpse into two of the most vital
qualities of a Commander in Chief: faith and leadership. More

Stifles Free Speech: Read All About It!
the days dwindle down to a precious few leading up to November second, the big
three branches of the liberal election machine have kicked into high gear.
Charges have been leveled by the political, entertainment, and news divisions.
Tales of galloping woe fill the crisp autumn air as accusations of repression,
suppression, and downright aggression emanate daily from the left. More

Bush and the Cowboy Code
a further demonstration that George W. Bush is driving the Left further round
the bend, this week's Village Voice features a hit-piece by Erik Baard called,
W. Bush Ain't No Cowboy." In it, Mr. Baard contends that,
"liberals from both coasts and Europeans who derisively call Bush a
'cowboy' foolishly insult not Bush, but one of America's prime ennobling
Baard then goes on to measure Bush against Gene Autry's Cowboy Code, a sort of
Ten Commandments written by the Hollywood legend for all his little buckaroos
who dreamed of growing up to be ennobling myths. Given the Left's disdain for
cowboys mythical and cinematic (think Ronald Reagan and John Wayne), allow me
to correct some of the author's distortions. More

State Revolution
lot has changed since September 11, 2001. There is a ‘new’ Europe which is
largely made up of former Soviet Bloc nations and those on that continent who
support the U.S. in the War on Terror. We also have a ‘new’ media which
mainly consists of the Internet, talk radio and Fox News. Now too, it seems,
we have what I call ‘new’ Democrats, specifically those in the New York
Tri-State area. More

There a Spin Doctor in the House?
J. Clinton lies recuperating in a hospital in New York while John F. Kerry's
candidacy continues to hemorrhage out on the hustings, badly in need of a
transfusion. The causes seem eerily similar; the cumulative effects of past
bad habits catching up and waylaying the two Democrats. The former apparently
felled by a history of poor eating habits and the latter by history itself. More

New Vietnam War
American Civil War is said to have been the most divisive conflict in our
nation’s history, and in terms of actual battlefield casualties, this is
certainly true. However, with the exception of some tender sensibilities
concerning the Confederate flag and those seeking reparations for slavery,
that conflict has been laid to rest. Not so the Vietnam War. More

Then and Now
the advent of the Republican Convention close at hand, much has been made of
the various protest groups that will descend on the Big Apple to wreak havoc
on that great city. Threats of violence
call to mind the days when the anti-war movement was young and the similarities
and differences between then and now. More

Catsup Bounce
it was the ‘shove it’ incident or the NASA bunny suit gaffe preceding the
recently concluded Democratic National convention. Maybe it was the four-day
bait-and-switch show itself. Or it just might be candidate John F. Kerry. More

2004 - Two Conventions?
two of the turkey that is the Democratic National Convention is in the books
which now makes it officially half-baked. As of this writing, on the afternoon
of day three, I am into my seventeenth straight hour of viewing the televised
coverage and fear I’ve come down with a case of acute hearing loss coupled
with a touch of diversity fatigue. More

Dems Call Off the Dogs
the first day of the Democratic convention is in the can, but what to make of
it? The show opened with Terry McAuliffe wielding a gavel and trying to look
legitimate in front of an embarrassingly empty hall and one almost got the
sense that in between speakers he was outside dragging people to the floor. More

Bounce Cheney Bop
the Rumor on Cheney? Capital Buzzes, Denials Aside." So blared the headline
in last Thursday's "New York Times". In its continuing slide
toward illegitimacy, the shady gray lady has now resorted to printing
1,200-word gossip columns on its formerly venerable front page. More

and Politics
few weeks back I received an email
from a reader who was concerned that I had failed to comment on reports that
Vice President Dick Cheney had hurled a vulgar profanity at Patrick Leahy
during a photo shoot on the Senate floor. I replied that he was correct, but
neither had I written on the subject of John F. Kerry’s Rolling Stone
interview in which he used the same word. More

Greatest Story Never Told
past weekend we once again celebrated the anniversary of our nation’s birth
and the agent of that delivery, the sacred scripture that is the Declaration
of Independence. Two days after its adoption, John Hancock sent a rider to New
York to deliver it to General George Washington who read it to the troops on
July 9, 1776. More

Moore, and the Dogs of Anti-War
havoc, and let slip the dogs of war. — William Shakespeare, Julius
The left this week has indeed unleashed two of its most caustic canines, both
of whom are yapping at the heels of President Bush. Both were guilty of the
crime they so often level at his administration: using the Iraq War for
political purposes. More

Clinton Book Companion
the advent of the Bill Clinton book blizzard heralding the arrival of his
900-plus-page biography, I have compiled a handy reference guide for those who
either didn’t know or have forgotten some of the relevant Clintonian tidbits
sure to be included in this somber tome. More

Long Goodbye
other night as I was readying for bed, I happened to catch the second half of
a 1990 Larry King interview with Ronald Reagan. As weary as I was, I sat
enthralled by the sight of him; still tall in the saddle, bright-eyed and
beloved by the TV camera, just as I’d remembered. More

Seventeen Year Itch
years ago on a bright spring day in a sun-dappled grove, a pair of young
lovers rose from slumber, spread their wings and burst into song. For the next
month or so, Sam and Cindy spent their days and nights engaging in the
ritualistic mating-cycle practiced by their progenitors for centuries. At the
end of their courtship, Cindy Cicada gave birth to 500 or so offspring thus
giving new meaning to the phrase, "making beautiful music together."

Press War and the Public
week's bombshell seems an awful lot like last week's and the week before:
liberal reporter finds 'evidence' of a shocking story, liberal legislators
conduct somber investigations demanding answers from the Administration,
liberal press endlessly spins the results and the nation yawns. More

Against Right-Wing Media Bias
support of their holy crusade to defeat President Bush, liberals have
rolled out the third wave of their three-pronged attack on what they
comically perceive to be conservative media bias. More

Kerry -- Catholic Warrior
an old saying around these parts: If you bring your business to the bar, it
becomes the bar's business. John F. Kerry has, for most of his adult life, run
for political office on the strength of his Vietnam service record and, in
Massachusetts where this once counted, as a professed Catholic. Now that he's
in the biggest race of his life, he's feeling a bit tender toward those who
are questioning the validity of both of these issues. More

and Her Military
several crucial times in our nation’s history, Almighty forces have
intervened to aid in the course of events. From the writing of the
Declaration of Independence when our Founding Fathers affirmed “a firm
reliance on the protection of divine Providence,” to the present day,
many of us believe that because America is on God’s side, that He is on
ours. More

Summer of Discontent For Democrats
evidenced by the raking fire laid down by their media division this week,
the Democratic Party is launching their Tet Offensive on George W. Bush.
From the laughably biased White House press conference--where the morning
headlines should have read, "President Bush refuses to answer whether
he still beats his wife"--to the deployment of veteran windbags, Ted
Kennedy and Robert "Sheets" Byrd to beat the drums of Vietnam,
things are heating up. More

and Bombshells - The 9/11 Commission
witch-hunt that is the 9/11 Commission investigation reached its apex last
week with the appearance of star witness Condoleezza Rice and the release of
the vaunted August 6, 2001 Presidential Daily Briefing. Democrats on the
Commission who ignored the old saw cautioning care in what you ask for, got
exactly what they deserved. More

To Common Sense
cause of America is in a great measure the cause of all mankind. Many
circumstances hath, and will arise, which are not local, but universal,
and through which the principles of all lovers of mankind are affected,
and in the event of which, their affections are interested.
quote from Thomas Paine's introduction to Common Sense is topical for its
content as well as its import in today's world. When published early in
1776, Paine's pamphlet sold over half a million copies in a country whose
population numbered some three million. In Revolutionary-era America,
interest in life and death issues was considered a matter of life and
death. More

month's end I like to sit back, study my notes and muse on recent events. Each
month fits nicely into the passing parade with its own high and low points and
March, 2004 was no exception. More

Kerry's Sun Valley Serenade
F. Kerry descended this week from the mountaintops and pleasure palaces of
Idaho, doffed his designer ski duds, boarded his private jet and resumed his
quest to be elected president on the 'common man' ticket. More

Deadly Disconnect
scenes mixed with equal parts confusion and nauseating carnage, the world
got its latest reminder last week that the War on Terror continues. Two
hundred men, women and children in Madrid were blown to smithereens and
thousands more wounded by what inevitably appears to be the handiwork of
homicidal Islamists. More

Politicization of 9/11?
a man who labels himself as compassionate, George W. Bush is not
engendering much of that sentiment from his adversaries, is he? In the
past few years he's been called a thief, a traitor, a liar, a betrayer, a
moron and a miserable failure to name a few. He's on the one hand a
boobish cowboy, held on a short lasso by his wranglers and on the other a
scheming, Ivy-League frat boy. More

on the Left
a few weeks, after the Clintons and/or Democratic primary voters crown
John Kerry as their official nominee, the feeding frenzy known as the
presidential election season will be in full swing. Recent events have
called to mind certain issues which seem to point to some inconsistencies
in their party's mindset. The media, unbiased as always, needs to sharpen
their stances on several topics as well.

Rights--Separate But Equal?
Rosie O. and then the Village people of New Paltz, New York. It seems that
an early spring has turned quite a few young men's (and women's) fancies
to thoughts of love--and marriage to each other.
timing of this abrupt rush toward gay connubial bliss is disconcerting to
many on the left who do not want a discussion of this issue taking place
during an election year but, like the groom at a shotgun wedding, they
have little choice. More

A Bad Week
For Bush?
been a bad week for President Bush, or so they say. After all, he was
accused of being a traitor by a man who accepted campaign funds from the
Red Chinese, a deserter by a man who shilled for an overt draft-dodger,
embarrassed by his hand-picked weapons inspector and probably most dire of
all, he had a less-than-inspiring appearance on a Sunday morning talk
show. Or so they say. More

State Of The Union—GOP And Conservatives
Democrats fight to choose a candidate by dispersing across the country,
Conservatives came together last week in Arlington Va. to fight for the
soul of their movement. From its inception 31 years ago where 400 lonely
souls sought to carve a niche for themselves in the political landscape,
the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) saw 4000 of the
faithful engage in a three-day exercise to determine if that niche can
embrace all the views of the burgeoning following it has attracted. More

Fight Ahead
been a lot of recent grumbling among conservatives on the subject of
illegal immigration. Actually they've been pretty cranky about a lot of
things lately. The usual complaint goes something like this; "If
George Bush and the Republicans in Congress are selling out to the liberal
agenda, why should we support them? What's the difference between
Republicans and Democrats?" More
Hustles Baseball"
Pete Rose is pulling a Bill Clinton. You remember how it goes; get caught
at something, then deny, deny and deny until they air the evidence. Next
give a convincing teary-eyed, lip-biting admission and finally, make a
good act of contrition like attending services at a black church. More
Greatest Political Hits Of 2003
it is, another year in the books. 2003 was a year of war and peace, of one
nation's redemption and another's economic recovery. Others more prescient
than I have made forward-looking predictions, but I prefer to reminisce
about some of the high and lowlights of the last twelve months. Therefore,
in no particular order, I present my year-end awards. More
Left's Rush To Judgment
For months now, leftists have been gleefully dancing on what they hoped
would be Rush Limbaugh's grave. Most of the attacks show the same
originality as is par for the liberal course. Just as the words 'Bush' and
'bravado' are required when writing about the president, so too must
'hypocrite' now become Limbaugh's middle name. More
I Want For Christmas
this festive season of the year, it is often said that it is better to
give than to receive, but sometimes one is able to do both. That is,
occasionally a gift which benefits one can be shared to the general well
being of many. And so, in the interest of the nation, I hereby submit my
list to Santa, of gifts that will keep on giving. More
Tribute To A Marine Corps Leatherneck
received some interesting email last week regarding my report
on President Bush's Thanksgiving trip to Iraq. Mostly I heard from folks
who were thrilled with W's visit, including Marci Warpness, who signed
herself, 'A Proud Mother of a Marine':
thought it was wonderful, speaking as a mother of a Marine who was over
there and will have to go back. It is just what the men and women of our
military need. It's important to show the troops that they are supported
by one and all, not just family and friends when they are at war.
Bush's Turkey
Trot Runs Afowl Of The Left
George W. Bush stepped from behind a curtain at a huge mess tent at
Baghdad Airport to a standing ovation by six hundred of his loyal troops
on Thanksgiving Day, liberals everywhere gagged on their giblets. The
awful image of the President interacting with the worshipful men and women
he had sent into harm's way was too much for them to stomach. Once again,
the boy emperor had eaten their lunch. More
Momentum In Iraq?
Only In The Mainstream Media
hostile to the occupation here apparently intended to show their
increasing sophistication and firepower by exploding two huge bombs ... at
police stations about 20 miles apart north of Baghdad.
The attacks on Friday offered a taste of how difficult that task is likely
to be, given the insurgents' quickness in exploiting any American weakness
and their readiness to resort to low-technology tactics that can help them
escape detection.
sophistication and low-technology tactics? The above excerpts from two
articles from Saturday´s New York Times, call to mind; “It was the best
of times, it was the worst of times.” Except that when it comes to
coverage of the War On Terror, there is no best of times at The Times. More

Delayed Is Justice Denied
Bigotry & Obstruction In The U.S. Senate
The Constitution is straightforward about the few instances in which more
than a majority of the Congress must vote: A veto override, a treaty, and
a finding of guilt in an impeachment proceeding. Every other action by the
Congress is taken by majority vote . . . Democracy means majority rule,
not minority gridlock.
the two days I spent last week in Washington observing the Senate special
session on "Justice For Judges" I heard lots of words—but not
those above. Those erudite comments were nonetheless uttered on the floor
of the U.S. Senate on January 30, 1995 by current Minority Leader Thomas
Daschle. They are a succinct summary of what his fellow senators on the
Republican side of the aisle tried to get across to the nation over a
period of 40 hours. Whether or not their attempt was successful depends on
the quality and amount of press devoted to it, or I as like to say; If a
tree falls in a forest and a liberal doesn't hear it, will it get media
coverage? More

The Vote" - Debate — That 70s Show
started sometime in the late 1960s. This was the beginning of the end of
America as we knew it. Up until the 'Summer of Love', there were children
and then there were adults. The adults ran things, acted responsibly and
were respected by children who obeyed and tried to emulate them.
was before the 'Generation Gap' replaced the bridge which had connected
the old and the young, resulting in a devastating case of role-reversal.
Faced with the admonition that no one over 30 was to be trusted, parents
ceded their roles as leaders and shapers of opinion to their children, and
donned the love beads of same. More
Democrats' Great - Depression: The 2004 Elections
Democrats are having a Herbert Hoover moment. They've been having lots of
them lately. In their never-ending quest to bring down George W. Bush,
they've taken to likening his economic prowess to that of the 31st
president. Typical of these statements is that of Richard Gephardt;
"This president is the Houdini of economics. Three million jobs have
disappeared. He has got the worst record since Herbert Hoover."
punsters hath the Democrat Party wrought! It's a pity that they've only
lately taken up historical allegory. What witticisms they might have
turned in the 70's on phrases like 'stagflation', 'misery-index' and
'national malaise'. And during that Constitutional unpleasantness in 1998,
I'm sure they would have had many Andrew Johnson moments. More

Execution In Florida —Terri Schiavo On Death Row
to the Florida Department of Corrections, the average stay on their
state's death row prior to execution is 11.76 years. That means that
convicted murderers, many of whom have signed confessions, are usually
given a decade to use the legal system to pursue the means of extending
their lives. Armed with teams of lawyers and abetted by anti-death penalty
advocates and judges, they do not receive their due punishment until all
legal processes have been exhausted, and sometimes not even then.
Schiavo received her death sentence on February 11, 2000 and her time on
death row may be running out. More
At The Bat
apologies to Ernest
L. Thayer)
outlook wasn't rosy for the Donkey nine that day;
The President had won the war but they had yet to bray.
So when Al Sharpton headed south and Kerry followed suit;
The other seven hit the road, down to the land of Newt.
first to hit the stump was Al, the Reverend at large;
To beat the Bushies in oh-four would seem to be his charge.
His audience was hushed in fear, and pondering how high
The do-re-mi would have to be for Al to say goodbye
though they knew that Mr. Sharpton didn't stand a chance,
His will commanded millions who they needed to romance.
His battle cry descended like a leaden ton of bricks;
"I'm going to slap this donkey 'round until the donkey kicks."